Thursday, January 5, 2012

props to erica zamora

one of the things i love about working in this industry is getting to meet and work with new people. i have many great mentors but one has really taken me under her wing in my found art make up artistry! erica, if it wasn't for you encouraging me i would have never ever attempted to learn make up. not only have you let me apprentice with you, you also trust me enough with your hair and make up! let me say it means ALOT! to know that someone with so much experience sees me, a baby in this dog eat dog industry, as an equal. it makes me feel so appreciated! words can not express how grateful i am to you! thank you gurfren fo' e'rrythang! :) <3 andrea d. torres

1 comment:

  1. Awe this touched me so deeply, you are very welcome Andrea. You are a very talented young artist. I see a lot of me in you when I first was introduced into the industry. You are very open minded and eager and determined to learn. You have so much passion and dedication for your art, it's very admiring. I also know it can be very challenging and intimidating, and with out any type of support or encouragement it can lead you in despair and lose all hope of one dreams of becoming an established artist. I unfortunately came from Toni&Guy, a company with very many talented artist who discouraged and made you feel unworthy and unappreciated. However, being the strong, ambitious person that I am, I knew I was going to one day be as good if not even better these artist within this industry. This not only made me a stronger but it made me have the passion to teach others and made me want to do the complete opposite and made them feel appreciated and most of all made them love the art on hair. I am so honored you feel this way and glad that my passion for teaching as made you love this industry and eager to learn. You are very talented artist and will only grow more to love what you do, and with love only comes more pure art from the heart. :)) So be ready Miss Andrea you def will be working for me one day when I become big!! Love you
